Do you need help with marketing this year? If ‘yes’, you aren’t alone because there are more
and more companies looking to outsource this process every single year. If ‘no’, you may not be
aware of the time, money, and effort you can save by investing in a solid marketing tool. Today,
we’re going to introduce you to three of the best tools on the market so keep reading and see if
there’s one that catches your eye!

AdEspresso – Starting with one of the biggest names in the industry, AdEspresso has been
helping many companies with their Facebook marketing efforts for many years. If you’ve not
heard the name, there are several reasons why AdEspresso is now so popular and it starts with
ad optimization.

Nowadays, Facebook is an important tool for reaching out to customers because the site is so
fast and interactive. Every year, more Facebook users are making purchasing decisions on the
site and AdEspresso can help to optimize your ads and therefore make the most of your

As well as helping to create campaigns, you can then benefit from the many analytical tools
where you can see cost per click, clicks, impressions, conversation rate, etc. This, coupled with
A/B testing and many other features, allows you to really improve your efforts on Facebook.

Trapica – If you’re looking for an all-inclusive website for marketing this year, Trapica is where
you want to start. Though AdEspresso is a fantastic option it’s still a manual solution – you will
need to do the work, Trapica in the other hand is fully automated solution for ads campaigns
optimization that focused on understanding the right audience that are relevant to each
campaign and the ways of getting to them at every moment(or in other words – how to target
them). Trapica allows you to automate and optimize your conversions cost on Facebook,
Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more. With this, you can really optimize
the platform where your potential customers are hiding. Nowadays, there’s a common
misconception that the biggest platforms are the best but this isn’t true. Instead, you simply
need to go where your customers are and Trapica allows for this.

Within this niche, Trapica is actually one of the most advanced when it comes to artificial
intelligence (AI) solutions for marketing. What does this mean? In essence, it means that AI will
always be assessing your campaigns and the different segments of the market(Trapica AI
running 50K different targeting combination every day for each campaigns) , and automatically
optimize the most important part of the campaigns – the targeting. If it spots an opportunity
decrease conversion cost and increase scale, it’ll make the move instantly which means you’re
always in the right place.

Qwaya – Finally, we have another great option if your main marketing channels are Facebook
and Instagram. With just one flat fee, you can take advantage of an ad scheduler, ad rotation,
URL builder, Google analytics integration, targeting and ad templates, and a whole lot more.
Although they only work with two channels at the moment, this shouldn’t be a problem if this is
where your audience congregates. Ultimately, marketing is a very unique process where you
need to make decisions based on your business and your business alone. Sure, you can read
reviews and listen to the opinions of others but the right choice for you will always be the one
that applies to your products and services. If most of your consumers are found on Twitter or
Pinterest, there’s no point focusing on Facebook because you just won’t see the best results
even with ad optimization!

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