Ray Green is married with two daughters and lives in England. He graduated from Southampton University with a BSc in Physics and then went on to a career spanning some 30 years in the electronics manufacturing industry. For much of that time he was operating at Director or Managing Director level in several different companies and so he is well qualified to give an insight into the world of business and corporate politics and intrigue.
‘Lost Identity’, the first book in the ‘Identity Thrillers’ series, is a tense psychological thriller set in the criminal world of drug trafficking and murder. The sequel, ‘Identity Found’ finds the principal protagonists drawn into another dangerous web of intrigue. The ‘Identity Thrillers’ Ray Green is on another level of storytelling. If you are looking for a new financial thriller to dig your teeth into then this is the series for you.
What is the first story you recall writing that started your career? What do you consider your “I’ve made it as an author” moment?
As a child, I loved writing stories, but that all went out the window once I embarked on a career in business. Even so, I still took pride, when writing reports etc, in making them concise, accurate, and grammatically correct. However, it was only when I wrote my debut novel ‘Buyout’ that I felt the calling to write fiction. When I finished that book and went on to write a sequel ‘Payback’ I realized that I really could enjoy a second career as an author.
Do you find that your characters take on traits or personalities of those close to you in your life?
Oh, absolutely! Many of my characters are based, at least very loosely, on people I have known in real life. My principal character in my first series of books, Roy Groves is more or less based on me.
Do you have a follow-up book to Lost Identity to continue The Identity Thrillers Series planned?
Yes. The sequel to ‘Lost Identity’ is called ‘Identity Found’. The couple, Stephen and Carla, principal characters in ‘Lost Identity’ are tempted to come out of hiding to investigate a mysterious murder. Big mistake! This turns out to be the catalyst for another hair-raising debacle. ‘Identity Found’ will be published in April 2019. I already have a germ of an idea for book 3 in the series.
You have great book covers. Do you design them yourself or work with a designer on the look you want them to have?
I know my limitations! I think I can write an engaging story, and I believe I’m pretty good at grammar, punctuation, etc. However, graphic design is a special skill and one I just don’t possess. I used a professional cover designer for all my covers in the Roy Groves Thriller series of books, and now I’m using another for the Identity Thrillers. In each series, I’m aiming for a common look and feel throughout.
I do believe a great cover is very important. In spite of the well-known saying, I think many people do judge a book by its cover. If it’s sitting on a shelf alongside many other books, it’s the cover that first catches the eye of the prospective reader.