“Ten Starts From One,” featuring the works of the Polish-born artist, focuses on social and political issues while inviting viewers to discover the metaphysical connections between his paintings and the space around them. Admission to Cox Gallery is free. Bartosz Beda, an internationally renowned artist, will present a gallery talk at his exhibit’s opening reception 4-6 p.m. Friday at William Woods University.
The exhibition ‘Ten Starts from One’ is not just about art, it’s also about how we live and think. The title itself is designed to be questioned – when we count to ten, we reach the final figure including the number we started at, and start again. This exhibition aims to draw on this, and other inspirations.
“I like to explore political issues in my work,” said Beda, who lives in Dallas, TX. “These issues often expose themselves in hidden meanings, and art has often educated and opened eyes to social and political issues. I want to believe that my paintings reveal on the canvas a kind of intellectualizing of the internal human conflict of reality and hope, and of my conflict as well.”
Beda’s work has been shown around the world, including in the United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Poland and Colombia. Beda was chosen for the 2012 Catlin Art Guide as one of the most promising emerging artists in the U.K. and also won the esteemed Towry Award for the Best of North of England. He received his bachelor of arts and master of arts in Fine Arts from the Manchester Metropolitan University in 2011 and 2012 as well as a six-month scholarship to Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden, Germany. Beda also received a fellowship from Fondazione perl’Arte in Rome, Italy in 2016.
The exhibit will run through Nov. 18. Cox Gallery and is open 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday through Friday and 1-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.