Stankevicius MGM and Jamil Hasan announce a strategic alliance to bring the premiere world-class digital marketing for Tokenized Digital Assets to North America.
Jamil Hasan has partnered with Paulius Stankevicius to bring the number one best in class digital asset marketing to North America. With the rise of Blockchain adoption and Cryptocurrencies across the world, navigating what quarterback to use for marketing services has become more and more challenging. Jamil Hasan is a world-renowned Advisor, business coach, and international best selling author who brings his corporate business experience expertise to the table. Stankevicius MGM is a world-class digital marketing firm specializing in print and digital marketing for Initial Coin Offerings, marketing coaching and public relations services.
With the strategic partnership, the two help tokenized asset projects and startups achieve the global market penetration necessary for a successful launch. Jamil has been a digital asset advisor for over a dozen global companies. With his expertise coupled with Stankevicius MGM capabilities, targeted global market penetration is now easily achievable.
Recently there have been a large number of inexperienced popups claiming they offer top ICO marketing. Most have little to no experience with Blockchain and don’t have any perspective on the world economy. Why settle for anything less than the best and
put your project or reputation at risk? This powerful combination of world-class author and advisor and marketing genius is easily now best in class in the world.
Don’t be swindled by some slick talking charlatans with little to no global contacts
without a solid track record of delivering. Choose top shelf, best in class.
Visit Stankevicius MGM for more insights